Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wishful Casting - Glee

How has Neil Patrick Harris not signed up for Glee yet?

After Kristin Chenoweth's stunning one episode stint, another guest star particularly one played by the multi-talented NPH would bee perfect!

He's got the extensive Broadway background,fantastic comedic timing and all around this man is magnetic. I think he'd be an excellent (temporary) addition to the Glee cast!

I've thought of a few roles I could see him in

a) Substitute teacher with an interest in being part of the Glee Club staff - Maybe filling in for someone on mat leave or even better, filling in for Emma while she's off in Hawaii marrying Ken.

b) Substitute teacher with a romantic interest in Mr. Schuester - Maybe filling in for someone on mat leave or even better, filling in for Emma while she's off in Hawaii marrying Ken.

c) an combo of a) and b)

Would you like to see NPH on Glee? And what sort of character would you like him to play?

What other guest stars would you want to see on Glee?

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