Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dollhouse: Going out in High Gear - Review

I've often noticed that shows that are either conceived as a fixed length (or mini-series) or shows that have an established end date tend to really ramp up the intensity.

After viewing "The Private Eye" and "The Left Hand" (episodes 2.5 & 2.6) it appears that Dollhouse has certainly caught the bug. I have been a dedicated Dollhouse fan throughout its run, but I will admit that it the overarching story hasn't always been the most captivating part of the show. The majority of episodes have been heavy in stand-alone engagement structure that begins and ends in the hour with little overall plot advancement.

If this first two-hour block is any indication of what Joss Whedon will be dishing out in Dollhouse's final episodes it seems like we will be treated to a more complex narrative structure involving all the different characters in a strongly motivated forward moving storyline that will actually be serving a means to an end.

The world of Rossum is opening up to us and we've only begun to understand the the extent off its reach and the L.A. Dollhouse's role within it. Personally, I can't wait to find out more, and am hoping that Enver Gjokaj and his constantly show stealing performance as Victor is at the center of it all.

The cancellation of Dollhouse hasn't all been bad news. A finite number of episodes can lead to top notch TV. At least FOX has agreed to air the entire season unlike the untimely fate of Whedon's previous project Firefly.

I think this FOX imposed end date will be worth it for the quality TV it will produce.

Do you think Dollhouse ending is a blessing in disguise or are you still reeling from the cancellation news?

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